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发布时间:2019-09-24  作者:  浏览次数:




2002-2006 华中师范大学 本科 化学专业 导师:程靖 副教授

2006-2012 武汉大学 硕博连读 分析化学专业 导师:何治柯 教授

2012-至今 太阳集团0638讲师、副教授

2018-2019 美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校 访问学者 合作导师:陆艺 教授




主要从事量子点等荧光纳米材料的制备、表面修饰以及在动植物重大疫病检疫、细胞及活体成像中的应用。近年来以第一作者或通讯作者在Anal. Chem.Biosens. Bioelectron. ACS. Appl. Mater. Inter.等国际学术期刊上发表10多篇论文,担任Plant Nano Biology, Plant Stress等杂志的审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 《基于无镉量子点的猪繁殖与呼吸综合症病毒检测及细胞成像分析》(项目号21305049)和0638太阳集团自主创新基金项目《基于低毒量子点均相免疫检测猪伪狂犬病毒》(项目号:529020900206173)各一项。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目各一项,参与国家重大科技研发计划子课题两项,主持多项横向课题。荣获2016年湖北省自然科学奖二等奖(排名第五)。


1. Lu Chen, Xiaowei Zhang, Cuiling Zhang, Guohua Zhou, Wanpo Zhang, Dongshan Xiang, Zhike He,* Hanzhong Wang, Dual-color fluorescence and homogeneous immunoassay for the determination of human enterovirus 71, Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83(19): 7316-7322.

2. Lu Chen, Xiaowei Zhang, Guohua Zhou, Xia Xiang,Xinghu Ji, Zhenhua Zheng, Zhike He* Hanzhong Wang, Simultaneous determination of human enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus B3 dual color quantum dots and homogeneous immunoassay, Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 3200-3207.

3. Lu Chen, Heyou Han*, Recent advances in the use of near-infrared quantum dots as optical probes for bioanalytical, imaging and solar cell application. Microchimica Acta, 2014, 181,13-14,1485-1495.

4. Lu Chen, Shiyi Ye, Kai Cai, Cuiling Zhang, Guohua Zhou, Zhike He, Heyou Han*, An aqueous platinum nanotube based fluorescent immuno-assay for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus detection, Talanta, 2015, 144: 324-328.

5. Qiong Wu, Lu Chen, (共同一作) Liang Huang, Jing Wang, Jiawei Liu, Chao Hu, Heyou Han*, Quantum dots decorated gold nanorod asfluorescent-plasmonic dualmodal contrasts agent for cancer imagingBiosensors and Bioelectronics20157416–23.

6. Lu Chen, (共同一作) Liping Song, Yichi Zhang, Ping Wang, Zhidong Xiao*,Yuguo Guo, Feifei Cao*, Nitrogen and sulfur codoped reduced graphene oxide as a general platform for rapid and sensitive fluorescent detection of biological species, ACS applied materials and interfaces, 2016, 8, 11255-11261.

7. Lin Liu, Lu Chen*, Jiangong Liang*, Lingzhi Liu, Heyou Han, A novel ratiometric probe based on nitrogen-doped carbon dots and rhodamine B isothiocyanate for detection of Fe3+ in aqueous solution, Journal of analytical methods in chemistry, 2016, 5, 1-6.

8. Yiying Fu, Enli Guan, Jiangong Liang, Guolan Ren*,Lu Chen*, Probing the effect of Ag2S quantum dots on human serum albumin using spectral techniques, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2017, Article ID 7209489, 1-7.

9. Lu Chen, Jiangong Liang*, An overview of functional nanoparticles as novel emerging antiviral therapeutic agents, Materials Science & Engineering c, 2020, 112, 110924.

10. Xiaoxue Lei, Yiying Fu, Yuan Wu, Lu Chen*, Jiangong Liang*, A ratiometric fluorescent probe for pH detection based on Ag2S quantum dots- carbon dots nanohybrids, Royal society open science, 2020, 7, 200482.

版权所有:太阳集团0638 - 0638太阳集团



